
Why is My Computer Running Slow? Easy Tips to Speed Up and Fast

I will describe you in this article that your computer runs slow or hangs and also have low configuration. I will tell you step by step. I use the tips myself and the laptop I tried this tip on has 512 MB of RAM and a 40 GB hard disk on a server and one point seven. Let’s come to start.

First of all, you have to do”START > RUN > AND TYPE msconfig

You will do this careful, you have to click on the service Tab given in the picture below

and then search there the “background intelligent t…….” uncheck it.

It must be checked, so uncheck it. This will prevent your system from hanging. After it you will see with it another Tab named “Startup”, click on it and uncheck all except Anti-Virus. Now click on Apply and close it. Now you will restart your computer. It will be better than first.


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